Sexualized Athletes

At the bi-annual Female Athlete Conference, Dr. Chirban gave a talk highlighting the issues related to the sexualization of girls and the implications of sexualization and self-objectification on both male and female athletes.

According the APA Task Force report (2007), sexualization occurs when a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior; when a person is held to a standard that equates physical attractiveness with being sexy and when a person is sexually objectified — that is, made into a thing for the others’ sexual use.

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Monthly Fencing Workshops

Michael Berrebi at Amplifying Performance has been conducting monthly workshops with the Marx Fencing Academy, which offers elite fencing programs in Concord, Mass.

During these workshops, fencers have had the unique opportunity to explore core sport psychology skills and strategies aimed at helping to increase enjoyment and overall performance.

Topics to date have included: how to properly and positively self-assess one’s performance, understanding and improving the power of self-talk, and utilizing effective imagery.

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2017 Musician Symposium

The first multidisciplinary musician’s symposium of its kind, sponsored by the Division of Sports Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, the program will provide a thorough review of wrist and hand injuries unique to musicians, available diagnostic testing and treatments, prevention techniques and psychological issues associated with injury. Dr. Sharon Chirban is presenting on the psychological recovery of injury and recovery in the musician on April 2nd at The Micheli Center in Waltham. Her talk will be one of many addressing the multi-disciplinary sports medicine issues facing musicians. Registration is $75.00 per person.

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Spin Mind Body @the Barn

Amplifying Performance is partnering with Spin @the Barn to offer an exercise is medicine spin class, located in a renovated barn in Carlisle, Mass. Classes will be scheduled on Saturdays. The 45-minute “Spin Mind Body” class will be led by a certified spin instructor who is trained to inspire in participants a positive mindset while safely modifying a class for all levels of physical fitness. A licensed mental health professional, who will participate in the spin class, will conduct the 45-minute group, to follow. Individuals appropriate for this group will be targeting a mental health issue (anxiety, depression, life balance, motivation, eating recovery, etc). The key to using exercise to improve mental health is accountability and supervision. See this helpful handout to distribute to patients and athletes looking to improve well-being with exercise. For more information contact

Register for Spin Mind Body.

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Mental Skills Tip for Boston Marathoners

What you need to know with just 74 days left to train for the Boston Marathon.

Keep your “Want” thinking in check:  Many athletes  let their “want” thinking run their training.  I just “want” to finish this run; I “want” a qualifying time; I don’t “want” to let my financial supporters down.  We are tricked by the sport ethic which tells us that “overcoming pain and fatigue” for our goal is being strong.  

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Big Sky Sport Psychology Retreat 2017

Mackenzie and Sharon are off to their annual sport psychology meeting in Big Sky, Montana.

The purpose of this three-day seminar is to bring together psychologists and mental health providers who practice in NCAA Division I/II/III collegiate athletic settings, professional teams and elite/Olympic athletic programs in providing psychological health care for athletes.

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Sensation Is Information: How Athletes Can Learn From Pain

For athletes, especially in distance sports such as running and swimming, dealing with pain and discomfort comes with the territory. It’s not if pain and discomfort will surface, but when and how often. Putting the body under so much distress for miles and miles will certainly test the body and is part of the mental and physical preparation for these athletes.

But at what point do athletes decide to tough it out through the pain or surrender to avoid further discomfort? It’s a fine line that athletes must walk and requires mental fortitude.

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